Marvin Rees

Former Mayor of Bristol, United Kingdom

Founding Leadership Board Member of the Mayors Migration Council, Marvin Rees is the elected Mayor of Bristol. He was elected in May 2016, becoming the first European City Mayor of Black African-Caribbean descent. Marvin studied Economic History and Politics at Swansea University, later achieving a Master’s degree in Political Theory and Government. He then attended Eastern University, Pennsylvania, completing a Master’s degree in Global Economic Development. He later undertook the prestigious Yale World Fellows program. Marvin’s priorities are to tackle Bristol’s housing crisis by building more homes, improve transport across the city, ensure early intervention in health, welcoming and integrating refugees and other migrants, and social mobility through education. Marvin lives with his wife, Kirsten, a Wellbeing coach, and their 3 children: two boys, Caleb and Levi and a daughter, Eden.


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