C40-MMC Global Mayors Task Force on Climate and Migration
The C40 Cities and Mayors Migration Council Global Mayors Task Force on Climate and Migration (C40-MMC Task Force) is a mayor-led initiative focused on addressing the impact of the climate crisis on migration in cities.

What is the C40-MMC Global Mayors Task Force on Climate and Migration?
In 2021, the MMC joined forces with C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40 Cities) to launch the C40-MMC Global Mayors Task Force on Climate and Migration. Guided by the Mayors of Barcelona, Bristol, Dakar, Dhaka North, Freetown, Houston, Los Angeles, Lima, and Milan, the C40-MMC Task Force released a mayor-led Action Agenda at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26). During COP27, the C40-MMC Task Force announced the Mayors of Amman, São Paulo, and London as new members.

Yousef Al Shawarbeh Mayor of Amman, JordanI look forward to sharing Amman’s experience with fellow mayors of the C40-MMC Task Force and working together to lead an inclusive green transition for and in partnership with urban migrants.
What are the results of the C40-MMC Global Mayors Task Force on Climate and Migration?
The C40-MMC Task Force influenced several global policy positions, including the IPCC’s Summary for Urban Policymakers, and unlocked US $2.5 million investments in the Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees to address climate migration in African cities. In parallel, the MMC mobilized a coalition of 15 US mayors and city networks to draft an Open Letter to the US President, resulting in the acknowledgement of the urban dimension of climate migration in the White House Report on Climate and Migration, a US$5 million investment in the UN Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund to support climate-affected migrants, and a USAID US$1 million investment to address climate migration in Latin American cities.
In 2023, the C40-MMC Task Force in partnership with the Climate Justice Fund, launched a first-of-its-kind report on urban loss and damage identifies key areas where local governments can play a role, as well as recommendations for national and international actors to better support, involve and work with cities and mayors at the forefront.
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