Marvin Rees

Chair for Engagement and Public Affairs

Marvin Rees served as Mayor of Bristol from 2016 to 2024, becoming the first directly elected mayor of African-Caribbean descent in a major European city. Raised by a white
single mother in 1970s Britain, Rees faced the challenges of growing up mixed-race in a society rife with racial and economic inequality. His personal experiences fueled his commitment to social justice and poverty alleviation.

Before entering politics, Rees worked with Tearfund, the BBC, and the National Health Service, where he focused on reducing health disparities. His involvement with Operation
Black Vote played a pivotal role in his journey, equipping him to navigate and challenge systemic barriers.

As Mayor, Rees prioritized urbanization, climate action, and social mobility, earning recognition for his leadership. He chaired the Local Government Association’s City Regions Board and Core Cities UK, and worked with the Mayor’s Migration Council to address global migration challenges.

Rees’s contributions have been honoured with an Honorary Professorship and Honorary Doctorate from the University of Bristol, and a Fellowship with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI). His leadership continues to inspire efforts towards creating fairer, more inclusive cities.


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